Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Whale, The Box and the Radio

Larry the Whale is swimming merrily along when a shadow creeps up above him. A box, floating in the Pacific Ocean! As Larry wonders about whether humans have heard the word recycle when he hears a groovy beat. And what a beat it was! Taking the box in his flat fins, he listens, box close to his heart. "I must see what makes such a wicked jam!", says Larry and he looks for an opening on the box. He finds none, and decides to simply tear the box open. But to his dismay, the box was plastic; he could do nothing of the sort. He comes up with an ingenious plan; what if he chewed the box open? Whales don't have teeth, he realized, what a useless species he was! He asks his friend Harry the octopus for help, but sadly, Harry very much dislikes music. Larry persists, however, and with his constant nagging, Harry gets very annoyed. Harry smacks the box out of poor Larry's hands, and it falls into the darkness of the seabed. Larry's heart sinks and he blinks back tears as grieves for the mysterious box. But suddenly, from the depths of the blue, a silhouette emerges. It was rectangular, shiny, and had its own booming rhythm. It was a radio. Overcome with joy, Larry hugged the radio, and he and the beat were one.

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